Postdoctoral Position in RNA Biology

The Mourelatos lab is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow in the broad field of RNA Biology. Our laboratory studies biogenesis and functions of small regulatory RNAs, mechanisms of mRNA translation and metabolism and more recently generation of mRNA and RNA scaffolds as novel experimental and therapeutic platforms. We employ both wet-lab and computational approaches. We are a very collegial lab in a premier University with a vibrant community of investigators and unparalleled research core facilities and clinical programs. Although small, we are a “high specific activity” lab: eight of the nine postdoctoral fellows that trained in the Mourelatos lab became Faculty/ Program leaders with their own labs in Universities and Research Institutes in USA (6), Europe (1) and Japan (1). Requirements include: PhD in Biochemistry, or Molecular Biology, or Genomics/Genetics, or Biology or related STEM fields. Strong written and spoken English language skills. High degree of
motivation, collaborative spirit and organization. Expertise in biochemical and/or molecular biological and RNA techniques is desirable. Please submit detailed curriculum vitae (CV), contact information for at least two faculty members who are familiar with your work, and a letter of interest to:
PhD positions available at IBMP Strasbourg, France
There are two PhD positions available in the group of Philippe Giegé at IBMP, Strasbourg. Both research projects deal with plant mitochondria gene expression.
Research will rely on an integrated strategy combining functional and mechanistic studies, i.e. using reverse genetic approaches such as genome editing, virus induced gene silencing, next generation sequencing methods and structural approaches such as X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.
More precisely, research projects will be on:
“The functional characterisation of translation initiation in plant mitochondria” (with P. Giegé) job offer “UPR2357-PHIGIE-002”
“The functional and structural diversity of NYN domain nucleases” (with A. Gobert) job offer “UPR2357-ANTGOB-001 »
Research projects are described in details on the « emploi.cnrs » portal, where you will be able to apply to these positions.
Philippe Giegé
IBMP deputy director
Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes
12 rue du général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg, France
Tel 00 333 67 15 53 63
Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences: Applications are now open
One of the oldest and most prestigious Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences of the School of Medicine of the University of Patras provides for more than 25 years excellent career opportunities in research. Applications are now open for the academic year 2020-2021 and we encourage young and talented MDs and Bioscientists who wish to pursue career in biomedical research in established groups, to apply. Many alumni of our Program are now established researches in Greece and worldwide. The program is free of tuition fees and provides an excellent curicullum. More details on the program, the application process and deadlines can be found in the following webpages: and Application deadline is September 25th, 2020